Bringing your Life to Life ·

Bringing your Life to Life ·

Bringing you peace and tranquility, comfort and care with my heart and soul.

Discover unique & 100% natural treatments, honest & stress-free lifestyle curation, memorable retreats and corporate experiences.

A “wholistic” approach for the whole of you. Spelt with the ‘w’ because we collide treatments and experiences that cover the entirety of your mind, body, soul & spirit.

Discover sustainable, environmentally friendly treatments and experiences that are worth every penny with no hidden fads, just expert knowledge and practices that have been used over thousands of years. Everything we do is 100% natural and honest with long term benefits to your wellness and beauty on the inside and out.

  • Choose from three unique and 100% natural treatments: The One of a Kind Holistic Glow & 100% Natural Facelift Facial, Holistic Natural Lift Facial Massage or Traditional Indian Head Massage. All treatments come with a Mini Hand & arm Massage.

  • Encouraging and coaching you to make key changes to simplify and redesign your lifestyle, nutrition, fitness and home enabling you to bring your life to life.

  • Set in beautiful tranquil locations where you have space to breathe, reflect and reconnect to yourself.

Choose your treatment

  • One of a Kind Holistic Glow & 100% Natural Facelift Facial

    This experience is truly indulgent and surrendering. With the relaxing touch colliding mind, body, and soul.

    The holistic techniques used prevent and reduce facial wrinkles, relieve muscular tension by loosening tight facial muscles, improve the complexion, boost lymphatic circulation and increase the elimination of toxins from the face.

  • Indian Head Massage with Mini Hand & Arm Massage

    Using a range of deep style massage and acupressure techniques Indian Head Massage improves lymphatic flow, eliminates toxins, helps to relieve insomnia and headaches leaving you feeling revitalised and better able to concentrate.

    Using acupressure techniques the mini hand and arm massage relieves tension in your hands, wrists and lower arms.

Re Day ~ A Day Retreat For You.

Would you like to step off life's hectic treadmill for a day? Join us and allow yourself to relax, realign, reconnect, re-energise and reset.

A restorative day of calm, peace and realignment.

Spring Re Day - Wednesday 6th March 2024, 10am to 4pm

*To keep the day small and special there are just 10 guests on our Re Days so book your space early.

Hi, I’m Belinda.

I have been tidy and organised all of my life. Organisation brings calmness to me and allows me day to day to conduct my business and personal life smoothly with great enjoyment and clarity.  

My passion for living a healthy balanced lifestyle is optimal for me. The impact of this affects how I feel, how I feel physically and look.  I find by starting each day on my front foot and not my back foot, with a little planning ahead and structure, self-motivation quickly becomes routine and a good habit which brings me ease and energy to make the most of every day.

My connection with Eastern complementary healing began in 2017 when I trained in Indian Head Massage at the London College of Naturopathic Medicine. The traditional Eastern healing systems are now an integral part of my life, I’ve studied and qualified in many wonderful therapies which I use for healing myself and others.  

And now I want you to find this kind of space in both your internal and external world.

· Lifestyle · Wellness · Nutrition · Fitness · Your Home · House Moves

· Lifestyle · Wellness · Nutrition · Fitness · Your Home · House Moves

Ayurvedic Wellness Lifestyle
Online Course and 1:2:1 Coaching

Do you long for a sanctuary where you can rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul and a lifestyle that gives you constant ease, calm and enjoyment ? Look no further! Let me into your world as an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Curator, to create and curate a sacred space in your home that you’ll love and want to spend time in and guide you on a transformative journey towards “wholistic” wellness in every aspect of your lifestyle.

Our Testimonials

Gift Vouchers

Purchase a gift voucher of any amount to spend at Slyspaces for you, a friend or loved one. The voucher can be redeemed on all treatments, Re Day’s and experiences in both Stamford and London.

Vouchers are valid for 1 year from the date of issue.

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