Hi, I’m Belinda

My life journey……

I think I have been tidy and organised all of my life. Organisation brings calmness to me and allows me day to day to conduct my business and personal life smoothly with great enjoyment and clarity.  Hilariously my loyal labrador, Caspa, was also so tidy (not taught by me) and even put her own toys back in their basket after she had played with them!

My Lifestyle….My passion for living a healthy balanced lifestyle is optimal for me. The impact of this affects how I feel, how I feel physically and look. I find starting each day on my front foot and not my back foot with a little planning ahead, structure and self-motivation quickly become routine and a good habit. When I get in at the end of the day or any time of the day I know my home is as I left it and I can pick up straight away into cooking mode, work mode, chore mode and getting ready to go out mode! I am ready to share how I do this with you and so much more. 

My Holistic World….

Therapies My connection with Eastern complementary healing began in 2017 when I trained in Indian Head Massage at the London College of Naturopathic Medicine. I have absolutely no idea why I decided to do this training as I have no connection with or knew anyone connected to the holistic system of healing. The traditional Eastern healing systems are now an integral part of my life, I’ve studied and qualified in many wonderful therapies which I use for healing myself and others.  

Lifestyle I adopted living a more holistic lifestyle using the Ayurveda system of well-being many years ago. Introducing this 5,000 year old Indian healing system into my whole lifestyle - my mind, body, soul, diet, movement and outlook on life - I have the ability to be positive, healthy, fit, strong and successful and it has been a magical and wondrous addition into my life.

Now I want you to find this kind of space in both your internal and external world.

Belinda’s Diplomas

Indian Head Massage

Natural Facelift Facial

Ayurvedic Holistic Facial

Hand, Arm, Leg & Feet Massage

Breathwork for Therapists

Level 2 Fitness

Reiki 1 & 2

Chair/Seated Acupressure


Animal & Owners Healing
