Simplifying Your Daily Life & Diet - simplify your approach to the nutrition and habits you need in your daily life and diet

I live my life in a very straightforward and simple way.  Yes this is totally doable and possible in this hi tech, social media, stressful and constantly demanding pressured 21st century that we are all part of.  My day to day life is not faddy, it is not tricky and it is not expensive. I don't need to worry whether I am getting the correct amount of nutrients and weighing everything I eat (or myself!) because as you will see in this blog - keeping it all simple keeps me sane, healthy, frees up so much time and saves pennies.

Some days after looking at social media, magazines etc and seeing celebs selling anything and everything plus friends raving about various life changing products etc I used to find myself feeling in a panicky state of utter confusion and worry - how could my simple life work because surely after seeing all these amazingly aesthetically pleasing posts I couldn't be eating correctly, living correctly, wearing the right clothes, make up or using the right products. I took stock, I took control and removed the marketing traps, fake influencers and the companies selling unregulated products.

I figured surely life shouldn't be that complicated and crazy to live. I didn't want to live in fight or flight mode constantly. It is overwhelming seeing all the social media posts banging on about this miracle product or food. It just didn't add up to me. Social influencers showing off, the vanity some people have these days is embarrassing and their fake faces, bodies and hair is reminiscent of characters from 80’s satirical tv show Spitting Image!  There are lots of influencers we see constantly 24 hours a day who are being paid huge amounts, thousands of pounds per post and being used by companies to promote their products to sell directly to you. The influencers may not even advocate what they are promoting but this is their job and they earn big bucks by doing it.  

And guess what - it is actually easy to live an uncomplicated, simple, healthy life if you want to.  The barriers to this are generally your own resistances.  The rewards to both your body and your mind by simplifying as much as you possibly can in your life are huge.  You feel more peaceful, relaxed and fulfilled.  Instead of battling with yourself, be kind to yourself and make sure you enjoy your life. 

Here are a few of my tips for you and every one is true, simple and you can incorporate into your daily life...

Avoid fads - they are exactly what their name is - a fad and are not sustainable long term

Avoid miracle products - they are not genuine

Avoid marketing traps - superfood products, expensive bars and juices, they will rob your bank account of your hard earned money

Some simple tips to help you day to day…

You can never have too much fresh fruit and veg a day

Eat sensible sized portions

Eat natural wholefoods

East seasonally where possible

Eat a varied diet

Eat a balanced diet

Eat real food - that looks like it did when it was grown/created

Snack on healthy snacks ie. oatcakes, hummus with carrots, cucumber etc,

Eat minimally processed foods

Source the best foods you can afford and get hold of, organic where possible

Avoid sugary drinks, processed foods, synthetic ingredients

Exercise daily. Simply walking is perfect

Sleep well - make your sleep environment conducive to allow you to sleep well

Honestly keeping it simple equals a simple happy straightforward day. Let’s be realistic and occasionally when something does go wrong or isn't flowing because you are not in fight or flight state you will be able to deal with it so much more calmly plus have the strength to deal with it immediately.


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