“Wholistic” Lifestyle Curation

Bringing your life to life 

Wholistic Lifestyle Curation using a holistic approach for the whole of you.

Transforming and simplifying your day to day life holistically to give you all round balance, harmony and calm.

Are you seeking simplistic ease, balance and harmony in your life and your lifestyle?

Do you long for your home to be your sanctuary where you have space to relax, rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul?

Do you yearn to have your lifestyle, wardrobe, nutrition and fitness simplified and aligned to make every day easy to navigate?

The Pillars





Your Home

House Moves

Wellness • Lifestyle • Nutrition • Fitness • Your Home • House Moves •

  • Your Wellness

    My natural and straightforward approach to wellness covers all aspects of your life incorporating my own techniques, gentle Ayurvedic techniques and common sense.

  • Your Lifestyle

    To build the lifestyle you dream of, I will help you remove habits that don’t serve you and create simple ones that do. We will cover your wardrobe, style, beauty regimes and much more.

  • Your Home

    I will show you simple life-changing ways transform your home into a space that feels easier for you to live in, calm and that you look forward to coming back to. Creating you a daily haven.

  • Your Nutrition

    I will work with you to transform your kitchen so it works for you, show you ways to simplify your cooking, shopping and myth bust complicated nutrition.

  • Your Fitness

    Thoughtfully working with you so you do the fitness you actually enjoy. Removing the idea it’s a chore that you need to force yourself to do.

  • House Moves

    Let me bring my super organisational and packing skills to your home and work with you to simplify your house move so it is calm & stress free.

 You dream of…

Simplifying your day to day life so you feel in control, cheerful, calm and organised.

Removing those habits that no longer serve you and create simple new ones allowing you to navigate your life with more calmness and clarity, feeling healthy and strong.

You are ready to have…

The life you wish for

To take your health and happiness into your own hands

To feel healthy, strong and positive

Confidence to navigate your life

Your home and lifestyle curated so it is enjoyable and easier to live in

Calm & ease in all areas of your life

My unique coaching and lifestyle design could be the missing link you need to connect the life you dream of to the life you have. My approach is guided individually to you with total dedication

Tailored to you

I understand that each individual is unique, with specific needs and aspirations. That's why my services are tailored to cater to your personal desires, providing you with an experience that is truly one-of-a-kind. My unique holistic approach encompasses the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of your being, ensuring a comprehensive wellness experience.

How it will make you feel

Imagine a serene and harmonious living environment that reflects your inner peace. With my expert knowledge, I will work closely with you to create a space that promotes balance and tranquility that you will be able to sustain for the rest of your life. Through careful curation and organisation, I will help you transform your home into a sanctuary that nourishes your senses and supports your well-being and works for your lifestyle.

Picture this…

Your home becomes your sanctuary, your joy, your calm, your spa and your place of wellness. A place that adds to your life and reflects the authentic you.

You live a life of clarity, and purpose in your mind, body and soul.

You’ll be able to look and feel the difference in this new founded lifestyle alignment.

Your wellness will shine through with balanced nutrition and fitness that works for you and your lifestyle.

Your wardrobe edited so every day you look great, feel comfortable and everything you have works for your lifestyle today.

How it works:
1:2:1 Online Coaching ~
Stress-free Guaranteed.

Empowering you with knowledge and tools that you can integrate into your daily routine. Together, we will create a space in your home and your lifestyle that embraces harmony, rejuvenation and a deep connection to your inner self. It's time to invest in yourself and experience the transformative power of a positive change.

  • Fill in the easy form below to get started. This will help me get to know you before our discovery call.

  • 30 minute free discovery call.

  • Receive your tailored package and pricing options.

  • Let’s align our calendars and set dates for your online coaching sessions. Effortlessly virtual, to fit into your busy life.

  • 4 structured zoom calls

  • Aftercare and support for 3 months afterwards.


Bringing your life to life.

Bringing your life to life.

Contact me today or fill in the easy form below to start your journey to your personalised Ayurvedic Lifestyle Curator package and take the first step towards a balanced and harmonious life. Your well-being deserves it.

If you would prefer to contact me direct please email: slystamford@gmail.com

Additional Services

Client Wardrobe Detox & Restyle

Transform your wardrobe with our Deep Wardrobe Detox and Restyle service, where we declutter, organize by season and colour, and curate your clothes for a fresh, stylish, and functional closet. Reclaim your space and elevate your style effortlessly with Belinda’s expert guidance.

Please get in touch with Belinda to arrange dates for them to become available via the booking link below: